Exhaust Heat Recovery and Steam Generator Systems

Cain Industries manufactures exhaust heat recovery and steam generator systems for the engine cogeneration (CHP), boiler economizer, industrial heat transfer and exchanger markets.

Exhaust Heat Recovery and Steam Generator Systems

Cain Industries is a leading designer and producer of combustion exhaust heat transfer products. Founded in 1978 and celebrating over 4 decades in business, our success in lowering fuel costs and related pollution makes Cain the first choice for both combustion retrofit and OEM exhaust heat recovery applications.

We are the only manufacturer producing a complete spectrum of exhaust heat transfer and steam production equipment for the gas and diesel engine cogeneration (CHP), boiler exhaust economizer, industrial combustion heat recovery and spiral finned tubing markets. Cain Industries has developed 16 complete product lines with over 3,450 standard models for the correct choice in recovering BTU from exhaust applications.

Cain Industries is your single source for boiler economizers, condensing economizers, condensing heat exchangers, waste heat recovery systems, waste heat boilers (WHB), industrial heat recovery units (HRU), heat recovery silencers (HRS), feedwater heaters, heat recovery steam generators (HRSG) and exhaust steam boilers.

Please complete an online RFQ, email or call us at 262-251-0051 (800-558-8690 toll free) to request your free exhaust heat recovery savings analysis study and quotation today!

National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors NB Stamp The American Society of Mechanical Engineers LogoCanadian Registration Number
Cain Industries manufactures in accordance with the requirements of
The National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors and ASME

Online Brochures

Cain Industries Exhaust Heat Recovery Systems Online Brochure

Exhaust Heat Recovery

Cain Industries Engine Cogeneration Systems Online Brochure

Engine Cogeneration

Cain Industries Boiler Economizer Systems Online Brochure

Boiler Economizer

Cain Industries Fume Incineration Heat Recovery Online Brochure

Fume Incineration

Cain Industries Exhaust Heat Recovery Systems

It is a fact that a minimum of twenty cents of every fuel dollar is wasted, when instead, much of it can be recovered. Cain Industries recovers the heat and transfers the usable BTUs to water, glycol, special fluids or steam. Listed below are some of the combustion sources that would benefit from a Cain heat recovery system.

Wasted $$ for every
fuel dollar spent:
Industrial Hot Water or Steam Boilers$ .20
Commercial Hot Water or Steam Boilers$ .30
Dryers$ .30
Reciprocating Gas Engines$ .35
Diesel Engines$ .35
Ovens$ .40
Furnaces$ .80
Catalytic Converters$1.00

Since 1978, Cain Industries has produced high quality waste heat transfer products. We are dedicated to the reduction of fuel usage and pollution worldwide. Our expertise makes us the natural choice for both the retrofit and OEM client. We set ourselves apart from others by producing products to serve a broad spectrum of markets: the Diesel and Gas Cogeneration market, the Boiler Exhaust market and the Fume Incineration market. As the only manufacturer in all of these markets, Cain Industries has the greatest selection of products and system applications available.

We have become leaders in this industry by replacing old technology with the most recent technological advancements. Using elaborate computer programs, Cain Industries has developed and manufactured twelve product lines with over 3,500 dependable heat transfer products. Our unique designs increase efficiency and performance, while making installation, service and maintenance more cost effective.

We are also dedicated to a primary investment in our associates, their manufacturing technology, quality improvements and innovative cost reductions to meet the customer’s budget. It is by these means that we will achieve absolute customer satisfaction. The success of Cain Industries is a direct result of our simple philosophy: to produce the highest quality products and provide unmatched customer service.

The words “safely and economically recover waste heat” also mean “no-risk return on investment” which is exactly what Cain Industries heat recovery systems represent. By installing a fuel saving economizer on a combustion source, the BTU recovered pays for all the equipment installed, usually in 12 to 18 months (or an equivalent return on investment of 75 to 100% annually). This means recapturing approximately 50% of the wasted $$ for every fuel dollar spent. The exact payback period for your installation will depend on local fuel costs and the number of hours of usage.

Depending on fuel type, temperatures, flow size requirements, performance and specification, Cain Industries can propose a specific cost effective exchanger to economize your fuel bills. Listed below are just a few design features which clearly speak for themselves and far exceed the capabilities of other economizer manufacturers:
  • Internal stainless steel exhaust bypass for stack corrosion control, tempering exit temperatures and/or protection against exhaust backpressure buildup due to fouling.
  • Stainless steel hinged access doors for ease of routine inspection and/or cleaning.
  • Quick release adjustable tension latches requiring no tools to open access doors.
  • Five types of available fin tube materials:
    1. SA249 TP316 /316L Stainless Steel Tube with AL-FUSE™ Aluminum Fin - Metallurgically Bonded
    2. SA249 TP316 /316L Stainless Steel Tube with 304 or 316 Stainless Steel Fin - Nickel Braze/Welded*
    3. SA249 TP316 /316L Stainless Steel Tube with Carbon Steel Fin - Nickel Braze/Welded*
    4. SA789 S31803 Alloy 2205 Duplex Stainless Steel Tube with AL-FUSE™ Aluminum Fin - Metallurgically Bonded
    5. SA178 Gr.A Carbon Steel Tube with Carbon Steel Fin - Nickel Braze/Welded*
    *Nickel Clad Available
    Click here for additional fin tubing information.
  • No weld/removable tubes with no pressure welds in the gas stream make for easy tube replacement.
  • Round or rectangular design configurations as standard model selections.
  • Custom computer design for special multiple order OEM requirements.
Pressure Vessel & Boiler Certifications
  • ASME Certificate of Authorization: U Stamp, UM Stamp and S Stamp
  • The National Board Certificate of Authorization: NB Mark and R Stamp
  • Canadian Certification of Registration: CRN

Optional Components
Depending on the application, Cain Industries offers a variety of ancillary equipment, such as timed automatic sootblowers, factory insulation, circulating pumps, thermometers, remote indicating controllers, modulating damper actuators and stack-to-economizer transitions to meet the needs of each specific installation.

Free Savings Analysis Study
Upon review of your application, you can expect our proposal within 48 hours. It will include professionally engineered details showing equipment costs, savings analysis, computer-generated economizer performance, cad dimensional drawings, flow schematics, warranty and performance guarantee.

Ease of Installation
The selection of a Cain Industries economizer results in the most economical design to install and maintain. Design advantages such as compactness and lightweight construction allow for installation at the very lowest cost.

Guaranteed Performance
All economizers are guaranteed to meet or exceed the anticipated performance specification.

Global Heat Recovery Markets and Related Product Lines

Exhaust Heat Recovery for Boilers
Industrial heat exchangers that transfer boiler exhaust heat to water, glycol and other thermal fluid heat sinks:
Rectangular Tube Recovery Economizers - RTR | Fin Coil Recovery Economizers - FCR | Energy Manager Economizers - EM | Single Stage Condensing Economizers - CXL | Two Stage Condensing Economizers - DXL
Boiler Economizer RFQ

Exhaust Heat Recovery for Gas and Diesel Engine Cogeneration (CHP) Systems
Industrial heat exchangers that transfer engine exhaust stream heat to water, glycol and other thermal fluid heat sinks:
Heat Recovery Silencer Radial Exchangers - HRSR | Heat Recovery Silencer Axial Exchangers - HRSA | U-Tube Recovery 1 Exchangers - UTR1 | U-Tube Recovery Exchangers - UTR
Engine Exhaust Heat Exchanger RFQ

Exhaust Heat Recovery for Incinerators, Thermal Oxidizers, Catalytic Converters, Industrial Ovens, Kilns and Furnaces
Heat exchangers that transfer industrial combustion exhaust heat to water, ethylene glycol and other thermal fluids heat sinks:
Heat Recovery Silencer Radial Exchangers - HRSR | Incinerator Tube Recovery Exchangers - ITR | U-Tube Recovery 1 Exchangers - UTR1
Combustion Exhaust Heat Exchanger RFQ

Heat Recovery Steam Generators (HRSG) for Gas and Diesel Engines
Heat recovery steam generators that transform engine exhaust stream heat into primary or secondary steam production:
Exhaust Steam Generator Series 1 - ESG1
Steam Generation RFQ

Heat Recovery Steam Generators (HRSG) for Incinerators, Thermal Oxidizers, Catalytic Converters, Industrial Ovens, Kilns and Furnaces
Heat recovery steam generators that transform industrial combustion exhaust heat into primary or secondary steam production:
Exhaust Steam Generator Series - ESG
Steam Generation RFQ

Fuel Prices

PDF Brochures

Cain Industries Product Line PDF Brochure Heat Recovery Product Line (.pdf)
A PDF brochure highlighting Cain Industries exhaust heat recovery product lines.
Cain Industries Boiler Economizer Systems PDF Brochure Boiler Economizer Systems (.pdf)
A PDF brochure of Cain Industries Boiler Economizer exhaust heat recovery systems that include models: RTR, FCR, EM, CXL and DXL.
Cain Industries Gas & Diesel Cogeneration Systems PDF Brochure Gas & Diesel Cogeneration Systems (.pdf)
A PDF brochure of Cain Industries Gas & Diesel Cogeneration exhaust heat recovery systems that include models: ESG1, HRSR, HRSA, UTR1 and UTR.
Cain Industries Fume Incineration Systems PDF Brochure Fume Incineration Systems (.pdf)
A PDF brochure of Cain Industries Fume Incineration exhaust heat recovery systems that include models: ESG, HRSR, ITR and UTR1.
Cain Industries Spiral Finned Tubing PDF Brochure Industrial Spiral Finned Tubing (.pdf)
A PDF brochure of Cain Industries spiral finned tubing for exhaust heat recovery in extreme temperatures.